
Thispaperhassoughttoextendprevioustheoreticalandempiricalresearchonemotionaldissonanceintheworkplaceandcustomerservicerole ...,Inasampleofserviceworkers,ithasalsobeenfoundthatemotionaldissonancewassignificantlyassociatedwithadecreasedsenseofwell-being,evenafter ...,Thedangerzoneiswhenregulatingemotionsinvolvessuppressingthemandneverhavinganoutlettotalkabouthowyoufeel.,Intheworkplace,emotionald...

[PDF] The theoretical underpinnings of emotional dissonance

This paper has sought to extend previous theoretical and empirical research on emotional dissonance in the workplace and customer service role ...

How workers' emotional dissonance explains the association ...

In a sample of service workers, it has also been found that emotional dissonance was significantly associated with a decreased sense of well-being, even after ...

When it's not OK: The dangers of emotional dissonance

The danger zone is when regulating emotions involves suppressing them and never having an outlet to talk about how you feel.

The impact of emotional dissonance on organizational commitment ...

In the workplace, emotional dissonance is the conflict between experienced emotions and emotions expressed to conform to display rules.

Emotional Labor | Definition, Types & Examples - Lesson

Emotional dissonance occurs when employees are not able to control their emotions. Their real emotions become an obstacle to job performance. Managers can ...

conceptualizing the roles of self‐esteem and job‐induced tension

In the workplace, emotional dissonance is the conflict between emotions experienced by the employee and those required by the organization.

Emotional Dissonance and Sickness Absence Among Employees ...

Emotional dissonance, i.e., a discrepancy between required and felt emotions, has been established as a predictor of sickness absence in studies, ...

Emotional dissonance, emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction in ...

This article examines the emotional demands (emotional labour) of call centre work and their relationship to the job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion

How employees can overcome emotional dissonance and ...

This study investigates the unexplored relationship between employees' experience of emotional dissonance and their engagement in change-oriented ...